Price Consulting Group has been facilitating training courses for over 18 years, and have highly qualified and experienced trainers and facilitators available to deliver one of our standard courses or develop a tailored solution for your organisation.
Courses are delivered in-house for your organisation and will be tailored (if required) to include your organisation’s internal policies so that participants will be able to confidently apply their learnings on the job.
Learning Methodology
All our training courses are designed to fully engage the participants by maximising active learning opportunities. This allows participants to better identify with, and come to a deeper understanding of, the subject matter.
Several elements are involved in active learning. Developing strategies to target these elements forms an essential part of our training design.
We work closely with you to ensure that our courses are tailored to be relevant to your employees. This includes course duration, learning outcomes and course content.
Collaborative activities include discussion, case studies, group problem solving and skills practice.
Contact us to discuss your requirements, or browse our standard course flyers. Examples of training courses we have conducted for clients can be found under OUR WORK. Please contact us if you are seeking a course that is not listed below.