Job Design & Work Evaluation
- Designed Position Descriptions and prepared business cases for submission to the PSC for numerous Senior Executive teams such as the Metropolitan Redevelopment Authority; Department for Regional Development; Department of Health; Department of Treasury; Department of Planning; Department of Transport; and Public Utilities Office
- Developed new Job Descriptions and completed work evaluations for 23 management positions in addition to undertaking remuneration research and benchmarking and developing a set of core leadership competencies for all Executive roles. | City of Canning
- Developed the Executive Director and Specialist positions to lead the public sector ICT reform agenda. | Office of the Government Chief Information Officer
- Developed Job Description Forms (JDFs) and prepared classification assessments for 45 positions using a streamlined process to meet the tight timeframe following a significant organisation review of four business units. | Landgate
- Developed five business cases for SES positions in the Health Reform Division charged with the role of overseeing and implementing the reform program for the entire WA Public Health System. | Department of Health
- Facilitated the efficient conversion of 340 JDFs to a streamlined format focused on core business and synergies across the function. | Department of Environment Regulation
- Re-designed JDFs for previously established Specified Calling positions in the Research and Modelling Branch into the format required by the Department of Commerce for General Division positions. | Department of Planning
- Developed JDFs and classification reports as part of the implementation of a review of Financial Management Services The review was previously undertaken by Price Consulting Group and the assignment included developing a change management approach. | Department of Finance
- Developed a Job Description Matrix outlining generic position titles, key responsibilities, job requirements and core competencies and updated JDFs to reflect the restructured International Trade and Investment Division. | Department of State Development
- Reviewed various Tier 2 and Tier 3 Senior Executive positions across the Department including revising Job Profiles and prepared business cases for Salaries and Allowances Tribunal and Mercers assessment. The Consultant also contributed to the development of a Workforce Strategy for the Strategic Projects and Asset Sales Division. | Department of Treasury
- Developed generic Job Descriptions and a Classification Framework for Project Management positions from Levels 2 to 7 to enable the creation of project positions using a streamlined process. | Department for Communities
- Updated 31 Job Descriptions and completed classification assessments as a result of the Department embarking on a period of significant transformation and the implementation of a new structure. | Department of Racing and Gaming
- Reviewed generic JDFs for school support staff including School Officers, Registrars, Business Managers, Education Assistants and ICT support staff and developed a matrix containing summarised outcomes and core capabilities. | Department of Education
- Established a generic set of JDFs for positions in the Government Procurement and Client Procurement Services Divisions which involved reviewing JDFs for approximately 80 agency rebadged positions across some 20 different agencies and 120 Department staff across various classification levels. | Department of Treasury and Finance